Technician of the Year awards were presented at the Midwest Green Fleets Forum and Expo. The award recognizes finalists in the public/private sectors who demonstrate exceptional technical and leadership abilities. The judging panel was made up of fleet industry experts from public and private management who convened and judged the nominees: Dr. James Durand-Chairman Judge-The Ohio State University, Eric Voll-City of Columbus, Tom Holman–The Ohio State University, Dave Johnson–Bell Equipment.
The judging criteria includes ASE and/or EVT Master Certifications held, a willingness to share knowledge with others and be a leader in their shop, and having the ability to perform advanced diagnostics/repairs on vehicles. The finalists demonstrate an ability to share advanced techniques with other technicians on the floor, helping others grow by doing. Teaching newer, less experienced technicians on the shop floor helps to strengthen the entire business. These finalists are leaders within their vocations and we congratulate them for their exceptional abilities and desire to improve their shop and the profession.
Congratulations to the three 2017 Public Sector Finalists: Donald Joyner – Franklin County OH, John Rankin – The Ohio State University – CABS, Jeff Ostler – City of Tulsa OK

Left: Kelly Reagan, City of Columbus, OH Center: Jeff Ostler, City of Tulsa OK Right: John Rankin, The Ohio State University, CABS

Left: Donald Joyner, Franklin County, OH Center: John Rankin, The Ohio State University, CABS Right: Kelly Reagan, City of Columbus, OH